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This site was created as my Semester Project for my Electronic Publishing & Design (CSCI 114) class in the Spring of 2012. All of my designs are unique to the topic of which they were designed for and I spent immense time critiquing them so that I only exhibited my best work. For the InDesign projects I have included an annotation to give you a little insight on why I created them as I did. The annotations/justifications are worded so that they include these following explanations:

  • Explains my use of design principles and elements
  • Visual appeal, creativity, and readability
  • Why my design appeals to my intended audience
  • and finally

  • Why I used certain design elements/features
  • On the other hand, for the Photoshop designs I have just included a caption, mainly because they didn't take nearly as long as the InDesign projects did.

    As far as my qualificiations as a designer go---well surprisingly, this was my first class involving design!
    Although, I have always wondered how to create a website and back then I just wanted to know the basics, but throughout my journey this semester I have learned so much more! Some of the things that I have learned in HTML are how to: implement CSS (which makes web designing much less time comsuming), create ids and classes (in CSS) for quicker web designing, how to change borders from square to rounded, use web banner symbols for site navigation and much more!
    I also learned how to use two very important programs which assisted me with Web Design--they are: Photoshop and InDesign. Both were immensely helpful in my study of website construction. With Photoshop, I learned how to make crazy, wild and exciting images, logos and banners! With InDesign, I learned how to construct calendars and menus and I worked with vector/raster images! Both programs will be helpful to me even after this class. There is so much more that I have learned however these are just some of the basics.